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Sunday, 26 June 2011

How to Edit Welcome Screen and Start Button

Hacking your system means to hack some certain files to make your system very cool and attractive. These tricks can be done very easily. Most of people wants to make their laptops and computers look good and spend a lot of money on them, but inside the system look same as other. So hacking means don't spend money on whatever you are doing. I am gonna quickly teach you to change the computer Visuals by using a Simple tool.

1) Changing the Welcome Screen "Welcome" text: - Here am gonna teach you how to edit the "Welcome" text in welcome screen. so whenever you turn on you system it will show whatever message you want it to show.

(a) Download a Tool Resource Hacker
(b) Click on file and Open (CTRL+O), change Look In to System32 and then search for Logonui.exe file, open it
(c) Double click on String Table, now double clik on 1 and click on 1033
(d) Look at 7th line and change whatever you want to write inspace of "Welcome"
(e) Now compile Script and Save as anything.exe (like - Logonui2.exe) in the same folder.
(f) Now Click on Start -> Run -> regedit.exe -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon
(g) Now just find the file UIHOST and double click on it, change the file name and press OK.
(h) Restart your system and see!!!!!!!

NOTE: - To change the Text to "Welcome"change name from registry editor to logoui.exe

2) Changing the Start button Text: - Here am gonna teach you how to edit the Start button with your name or anything you want to write inspace of Start.

(a) Open resource hacker and change Look In to Windows.
(b) Search file explorer.exe and go to String -> 37 -> 1033 and change it anything.
(c) Now Compile it and Saveas anything.exe (like - explorer.exe) in the same folder.
(d) Now Click on Start -> Run -> regedit.exe -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> Winlogon
(e) Look at Shell, double click on it and change the file name to and press OK.
(f) Logoff your System and see........

NOTE: - To change the start button to "Start", Change name from registry editor to explorer.exe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want to thanks to u , and i am beginner of hacking, but had so much interest to learn that, i had tried your how edit the welcome screen and start button,and i also done the welcome screen,but unfortunately i cant edit the start button,i have problem whiling ,i had resource hacker tool downloaded from ur link , with the help of that i have opened explorer.exe and modified start button name and save the file as rockzz.exe.and from the registry , the vale of shell is changed as rockzz.exe instead of explorer.exe and log off my system but its not work , i want to know that again opened registry ,i see that, the value of shell is not changed, it same explorer.exe. this is my problem ok shall tell solution for that , and my mail id,i have hope to u,my self gnanamoorthi, and perusing engineering final year IT (from these year nothing learned )